Multiplicity Magazine
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Submitting to Multiplicity Magazine
Multiplicity Magazine, the literary journal of the MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Bay Path University, is published annually in late spring. Our issues are themed, and calls for submissions are generally released in late fall. Leading up to each magazine release, we call for submissions to Quick Work, where we seek micro-flash nonfiction of 100 words or fewer.
Multiplicity Magazine celebrates the variety and range of the human experience in contemporary literature. We publish sparkling and insightful creative nonfiction, poetry, and photography, and we are especially interested in work by writers who live or have lived and worked outside the literary mainstream. Women. People of color. Immigrants and international writers. Veterans. Activists. Writers from LGBTQ communities. Crisis workers. Working-class writers. Anyone who has a story that needs to be heard.